City Council Considers Renaming 'Swastika Acres' Neighborhood
CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, Colo. (CBS4) — A subdivision of Cherry Hills Village could have a new name following Tuesday night's City Council meeting. You couldn't tell by looking at signs, but dozens of homes have made up the Swastika Acres neighborhood for over 100 years. The neighborhood was named after Denver Swastika Company, well before the symbol became associated with Nazis.
Many neighbors signed an ordinance supporting the name change. If approved by the Council, Swastika Acres could be renamed Old Cherry Hills by Wednesday.
Some residents told CBS4's Tori Mason they have no opinion on the matter. In fact, some weren't aware of the name until informational signs about the meeting were posted throughout the neighborhood.
A neighbor of Jewish faith sent a letter to the Council saying there's no need to change the original name.
In a letter to City Council, Susan Cooper wrote: "The swastika is an Indian design with peaceful meaning... If we change the name of this area we will be adding to the destruction of native culture. Keep the historic name, but call it what you wish. No one uses that name anyway."
Council members do not anticipate much opposition when they vote to rename the neighborhood Tuesday night.