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Snow Delays Trail Ridge Road Opening

ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK, Colo. (CBS4)- Recent storms that have brought heavy rain and snow to Colorado's higher elevations along the Front Range have kept Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park closed.

Trail Ridge Road historically opens on Memorial Day weekend. The road opened last year on May 24.

This year, the road will open once it is deemed safe for travelers.

Park snowplow operators will continue to plow the road but park officials said it was too soon to predict when the road will open for the season.

Rocky Mountain National Park snowplow operators begin plowing Trail Ridge Road in mid-April to clear it of snow. Crews from the west side and crews from the east side of the park move along the road and eventually meet in the middle, around the Alpine Visitor Center.

Plow drivers typically have to re-plow certain sections because of snowfall and drifts up to 22 feet high.

Rocky Mountain National Park was open to visitors over the holiday weekend.

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