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Teen Sentenced For Threatening To 'Make School Living Nightmare'

CASTLE ROCK, Colo. (CBS4) - A judge sentenced a teenage girl to four years in youth corrections for threatening her school.

It happened almost two years ago when Sienna Johnson, along with Brooke Higgins, threatened "to make the school a living f-ing nightmare."

Johnson sat next to her father and stepmother in court Monday, appearing uncomfortable as prosecutors revisited her plans to commit mass murder at Mountain Vista High School.

They told the court that when Johnson met Higgins the plan switched from fantasy to reality.

A psychiatrist testified on Johnson's behalf, telling the court there is evidence that this plan would never come to fruition, and that she believed Johnson may have been seeking attention and was severely depressed as a result of serious trauma throughout her past.

The prosecution praised Johnson for her honesty since her arrest. When she spoke in court Monday, she took full responsibility.

"Your honor, I know what I did was wrong, and I understand the impact that I had on the students and family," Johnson said. "But I'm not the same person I was then. I believe in myself, and that I have the opportunity to change."

In pleading guilty, Johnson was sentenced to five years with no credit for time served. She has to pay for the cost of prosecution, must not have contact with Higgins, as well as four m ore years of probation that will run consecutive to the youth corrections sentence.

In February, Higgins was sentenced to three years in the juvenile detention system followed by four years of supervision. She did get credit for time served.

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