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RTD Wants To Know: Service Cuts Or Cancellations & Delays?

DENVER (CBS4)- The Regional Transportation District is asking the public for feedback about a potential proposal to reduce services. A survey released by RTD on Monday is an effort towards addressing a driver shortage that is causing trip delays and cancellations.

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"The 15 bus I caught today, that was 30 minutes late," explained RTD passenger Nancy Lindeen.

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RTD says the agency has had to require many operators to work six-day weeks. That has caused some drivers to quit, on top of an already dwindling workforce. RTD hopes passengers can help decide which route the organization should take to balance staffing needs with a reliable service.

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"With this operator shortage and us having operators leaving because they don't want to work six days a week, what type of service would you like to see in the temporary while we try to shore up our workforce," said Pauletta Tonilas, a spokesperson for RTD.

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The online survey asks riders to whether they would prefer RTD make service cuts with more on-time reliability, or for service to stay as-is, even with sudden trip cancellations or delays.

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"It's not a win-win," explained passenger Mark Cohen. "Not quite on schedule is okay to a certain degree, but there are people out here riding that need to get to places at a certain time."

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An RTD train operator makes a stop at the I-25 and Broadway Station in Denver. (credit: CBS)

Tonilas said they understand neither option is ideal, but RTD needs a temporary solution while it works to retain and hire drivers.

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"It's a tough situation," Tonilas said. "But it is our reality. We have to face it and we want passengers to provide input on the matter because this is for the people."

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The survey also asks passengers how long they would be willing to wait for a bus or train.

Between now and Nov. 17, community members can provide feedback by:

Public comments will be presented to RTD's Board of Directors at a study session on Nov. 21.

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