RTD Considers Revisions To Fare Changes
DENVER (CBS4)- RTD is considering revisions to its proposed fare structure for buses and light rail. After months of meetings and surveys, RTD is considering a simpler, two tier fare structure.
The task force compiled all the data and feedback and has come up with a plan they hope will benefit everyone involved. That task force presented the plan to the board on Tuesday night.
Local bus and light rail fares will increase to $2.60. Longer distance regional and express fares would both be $4.50.
RTD took public input from riders that it wasn't fair for light rail riders on long distances to pay the same as those traveling a short distance.
RTD is also considering making the first stop on the new U.S. 36 bus rapid transit lanes a local fare to the Westminster Station at Sheridan Boulevard.
RTD is considering getting rid of transfers and offering a day pass for any round trip.
They may set airport bus and rail fares at $9, which is cheaper than most current SkyRide fares.
All the fares would be discounted for those with SMART Cards.
The board discussed the changes on Tuesday night. A final vote on the new fares is expected May 26. The fare changes will take effect in 2016.