Propane Explosion At Food Plant Causes $16K In Damages
GREELEY, Colo. (CBS4)- Firefighters in Greeley rushed to Leprino Foods at about 7:30 a.m. after a propane explosion.
When they arrived at 1302 1st Ave. crews found a cargo container that had blown open from an explosion. That container housed pallets of 5 gallon buckets filled with floor epoxy.
A propane heater had been installed to keep the product from freezing. Firefighters believe the propane line or regulator started to leak and filled the container with propane. It then ignited when it reached the level of the pilot light on the heater.
The force of the explosion sent the propane tank more than 100 feet from the trailer, knocked down several portable toilets and damaged a car in the nearby parking lot.
No one was hurt and most of the product inside the container wasn't destroyed. Damages are estimated at about $16,000.
Leprino Foods is a cheese and whey facility in Greeley. The facility is still under construction and is expected to be completed in 2014.