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Organization In Littleton Specializes In Rescuing Giant Breed Dogs

LITTLETON, Colo. (CBS4) – Thor is a dog who loves to high-five, but the Great Dane mix also weighs a whopping 122 pounds, making the process a bit comical.

"He is the most loving sweet family dog," owner Kimmy Litle said.

She adopted the giant breed dog a couple years ago from Lola's Rescue.

"My experience has just been amazing."

When Litle adopted him he weighed only 88 pounds and had he not found his way to Lola's Rescue, thing may have ended differently.

Kimmy Litle and her sister Kory Litle now both own dogs from Lola's Rescue and are foster parents to others,

"We just realized how many animals we could save if we became foster parents," Kory Litle said.

Lola's Rescue specializes in rescuing giant breed dogs, sometimes from abused homes.

"Large breed dogs tend to be your big teddy bears," Roni Taylor said.

She started the organization and named it after her own dog -- and success story.

"Lola was our 'don't give up' story," Taylor said.

Lola came to Roni and her family after four other homes didn't work out. She had separation issues and caused thousands of dollars in damage, but with time and training, Taylor turned her around.

"She was a great trainer for all the dogs that came through our house, just an amazing dog."

It's an ending to a story Roni believes many large dogs don't get. She believes larger dogs are often the ones most euthanized.

"Generally people tend to overlook larger animals."

It's why she started Lola's Rescue, which this month celebrates its best year ever.

"We are at almost 1,000 successful adoptions," Taylor said.

But while the organization is at its biggest, for its namesake the story ends here. A brain tumor took Lola's life in early December. But Taylor believes her legacy will live on.

"She was our main inspiration, you just don't, you don't ever give up."

Lola's Rescue is always looking for foster parents and new homes for dogs, to help out head to

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