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Olde Town Arvada community comes together to remember Johnny Hurley

Olde Town Arvada community comes together to remember Johnny Hurley
Olde Town Arvada community comes together to remember Johnny Hurley 02:17

Two years after tragedy struck Olde Town Arvada, a community came together to remember a hero on Wednesday. Friends and family gathered in the square to honor Johnny Hurley – a Good Samaritan – and fallen Arvada Officer Gordon Beesley.

"Johnny put his life on the line for strangers and then he had his life taken from him, sadly, by one of the police officers, who was responding," said Bruce Baumann, a friend of Hurley.

On June 21, 2021, a gunman ambushed and killed Beesley. Hurley was in a nearby store and heard the chaos, so he decided to jump into action and shot the gunman who had just killed Beesley. 


He then picked up the shooter's rifle and responding officers shot Hurley believing he was the active shooter.

"Police got to stop being judge, jury and executioner," Baumann told CBS News Colorado.

Among those at the two-year anniversary gathering were Hurley's mother and sister. Both were wrapped in hugs, tears and fond memories from those who knew or wish they got to know their beloved Johnny.


"It means a lot to me to see the community turning out," said Kathleen Boleyn, Hurley's mother. "It reminds me of the joy and the pride that I have in how my son comported himself that day."

While being in Olde Town Square brings Boleyn comfort, it's also difficult to be back where her son lost his life. At the exact time, Hurley was killed, a moment of silence was held as church bells rang.

"Being on the ground where it happened, walking to the wall where he stood and waited to do what needed to be done," Boleyn said, holding back tears, "it's moving to me."

Emotions were running high for many at the afternoon tribute, but many are also turning their feelings into action, so Hurley and his bravery are never forgotten.


"We just want to live on the legacy of Johnny doing the right thing and inspire more people to be the change like Johnny did to step in when you're needed," Baumann said.

Baumann said Wednesday's gathering was also to bring attention to the upcoming court date for the lawsuit Boleyn has filed against the now former officer, who killed Hurley as well as the Arvada police chief. 

She filed after the DA said no criminal charges would be filed. The court date is set for October. 

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