Vet Calls Puppy Birth At Aurora Animal Shelter A 'Miracle'
AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) – An Aurora veterinarian delivered what is being called a miraculous puppy on Monday.
The veterinarian at the Aurora Animal Shelter was preparing to spay three dogs when an emergency situation suddenly arrived in a laundry basket.
A Chihuahua mix in stressful labor was dropped off at the shelter with no owner and no tags.
"She was trying very hard to have a puppy and it wasn't going well, so I brought her to the back and I yelled C-section," said Dr. Nicole Bartley.
Bartley got the puppy out but she wasn't breathing or moving.
"We figured we lost it," said Bartley.
She quickly turned her attention to mom, whose infections were life threatening. Approximately 45 minutes later something miraculous happened.
"One of the veterinary technicians in the other room was checking on the other dogs going to be spayed yelled, 'It's alive!' The puppy had started to cry, and when she pulled back the blanket the puppy had been wrapped in, it was squirming and crying for its mamma," said Bartley.
Bartley and the technicians considered it a miracle, so that's what they named her.
Now she's taking in Miracle and her mom for a few days, nursing them into a new life.
"It's just been absolutely wonderful. Then to have her here, it just brings you back the reason for the season all the way around," said Bartley.
Both Miracle and her mom will be available for adoption in February.
The shelter says they are always in need of donations. Donations to the Aurora Animal Shelter can be made on the City of Aurora's website.