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Media Forensics Experts Analyzing ISIS Video In Denver

DENVER (CBS4)- Some of the nation's best media forensics experts are located in Denver and are analyzing ISIS videos for authenticity and to learn more about the people who made the videos.

The University of Colorado Denver is home to the National Center for Media Forensics. According to their website, media forensics is the scientific analysis of recorded media in the form of audio, video, and still imagery evidence obtained during the course of investigations and litigious proceedings.

Jeff Smith, Associate Director of the CU Denver National Center for Media Forensics said the video released by ISIS can show several things, including how sophisticated the group is.

"We can see the microphones that are used in the stand up," said Smith. "It exemplifies skilled planning and premeditated nature to carrying out this message to America."

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The video can also shows us something surprising about what are said to be videos of the beheadings of journalist James Foley and Steve Sotloff.

"What's most interesting is that the actual beheading that takes place in the videos, both of them are staged," said Smith.

However the bodies shown later on in the video are real. Smith said the production value is of high quality. There was likely a director and the use of several cameras and editing equipment.

"I've not seen a video made by terrorists of this quality but I don't think that our government has either, this isn't the typical handicam video in a cave," said Smith.

Smith said that analyzing the videos might provide clues about other captives.

"Can we somehow put together the pictures and learn more about the other hostages, are they still alive?" asked Smith.

Researchers are also looking at the videos in hopes of figuring out where they were recorded.


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