Douglas County Public Schools close and other districts are delayed because of the snowstorm.

'Jabba' The Overweight Hedgehog Must Diet Before Release

SWINDON, UK (CBS4) - A hedgehog weighing nearly three times the weight of an average wild hedgehog is going on a diet.

Jabba arrived at the Oak and Furrows wildlife center in England weighing over 4 lbs.

The hedgehog's previous owner had been overfeeding him, and Jabba was so large that he was unable to curl up into the protective ball hedgehogs use as defense against predators.

The obese hedgehog was an instant hit with staff at the rescue center and has been named Hogzilla and Mr Piggywinkle, but Star Wars fan and animal carer Darren Squires' name of Jabba has stuck.

He is now on a strict diet of liquidized dog food, served in a controlled portion once daily. It is hoped he will get down to 1.4 lbs before being released back into the wild.

Jabba's last weigh-in on Monday showed he was already down to 3.6 lbs. He's lost enough weight that he can now roll into a ball.

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