High Water Prompts Closure Of Blue River
SILVERTHORNE, Colo. (CBS4/AP) - High water from melting snowpack has prompted the closure of parts of Blue River in Summit County. That means no recreational watercraft near Silverthorne.
Kayakers are allowed on the river but they're being warned of low clearance under bridges.
Silverthorne Police Chief Mark Hanschmidt tells the Summit Daily News there have been "several close calls" with recreational watercraft.
Warning signs have been placed at river access locations. The river remains open north of Silverthorne, but officials said only experienced boaters and rafters should enter the river because of high flows.
People are sandbagging along the banks of the Big Thompson River. The river flows through the town of Estes Park. The water levels rise every spring, but this year they're expected to be especially high. The town is supplying residents with sandbags, but is also encouraging homeowners to act sooner rather than later.
The Colorado Department of Transportation has shut down U.S Highway 6 at Dotsero because of high water. Dotsero is on the Western Slope midway between Eagle and Glenwood Springs. Interstate 70 is the alternate route.
Longmont city workers are taking flood warnings door to door. They handed out brochures to businesses and residents on Friday. They're especially concerned with buildings near the St. Vrain River and Left Hand Creek. The city is advising residents to review insurance policies and make certain they have adequate flood coverage.
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