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Happy Valentine's Day!

Before meeting my husband, I spent many years "single" on Valentine's Day.

I tried not to get too caught up in it, but when the flowers started coming in to my co-workers at the office I admit I often felt a tug at my heart. Not so much for the gifts; but because I longed for a partner.

I've always felt I had a full life, but Valentine's Day was always a reminder I wanted "more." I wanted someone I could give my heart to, and share my life with.

I am so happy to have found that in my husband.

That is now, but years ago, while in Minnesota I decided I could still celebrate Valentine's Day even without a special someone in my life.

I could celebrate the day with my friends and family, and most importantly - myself.

This quote speaks to that.

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. - Buddha

So today, single or not, I urge you to start the day loving yourself for the amazing person you are.

It's something I encourage my daughter to do.

(And from the looks of her icing caked lips, she's pretty happy with herself on this day.)

Happy Valentine's Day!

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