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Gov. Jared Polis Extends Face Mask Mandate In Colorado For Another 30 Days

DENVER (CBS4)- Gov. Jared Polis gave a coronavirus update for Colorado on Monday afternoon. During the virtual news conference, he announced that he was extending the face mask mandate for another 30 days.

face mask Everyone must wear a respirator before leaving the house to protect against Covid-19's virus and germs.
(credit: iStock/Getty)

Polis first issued the executive order for the face mask or face covering mandate in Colorado in July.

"Wear a mask, avoid social interactions, physically distance from others, and wash your hands regularly," Polis urged Coloradans to practice those measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Polis also confirmed that in Colorado, "The virus is the most prevalent than it's ever been before."

He encouraged Coloradans that the light is there at the end of the tunnel with the announcement of a coronavirus vaccine and that we just have to hang on for a little while longer.

"Each of us has a responsibility to do what's best," said Polis. "We must change our behavior to flatten the curve."

"We've got to change the status quo in the final few miles of this marathon. Together I know that we can change the course and get our state back on track, save lives, save our economy, save ourselves."

Polis encouraged people to self-isolate for 10 days before getting together for Thanksgiving while advising Coloradoans to "cancel those social plans" with people outside of their household to be completely safe.

He said that, "Together, we can save Christmas."

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