Golden is upping parking fines along 10th Street from $30 to "outlandish" $100
Golden definitely fits that old Sly and the Family Stone song title "Hot Fun in the Summertime."
And 10th Street between Washington Avenue and the community center is the key access to Clear Creek. But what's parking like?
"It's brutal," Sandra Barillot, an area resident, said. "Especially around here. It's very hard to get a parking space."
Pay kiosks have been installed with two hours free to which you can add time by phone. If that time runs out it, has resulted in a $30 ticket.
Golden Police Sgt. Ben Salentine told CBS News Colorado, "We've had visitors tell code enforcement officers if they were issued a violation they said they will just pay the $30 ticket because that's what it costs to park in Denver anyway."
So now beginning June 15, Golden is trying a different much more costly fine approach for 10th Street only.
Reporter Rick Sallinger asked Jim Johnson, a Golden resident, "What would you say if I told you $100?" Jensen replied, "that's a bit outlandish, you know? I think it's amazing actually that we live in a country where you can't even park your car for free."
Sure, you can try to park on other blocks, but there are "resident only" signs, so get ready for big fines.
Barillot summed up her feelings with two words, "that hurts."
Huge parking fines are just the latest measure this city is using to try to manage crowds this summer.
One idea suggested is wristbands for tubers. Now that has morphed into stickers to put on tubes to determine how many tubers are using Clear Creek and if they are from outfitters or brought their own equipment. There will be no charge for the stickers.