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Fire Crews Rush To Put Out 2 Wildfires In Douglas County

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- Fire crews rushed to extinguish two wildfires in Douglas County on Thursday afternoon.

The first fire broke out in Perry Park just after 2 p.m. It burned less than two acres.

Copter4 flew over the fire while the helicopter made water drops.

Pueblo also dispatched a Type III aircraft to help fight that fire. That fire was not accessible by vehicle. No structures were threatened.

The second fire broke out just after 3 p.m. in the area of 10900 Sundial Rim Road in Littleton.

Firefighters with Littleton and South Metro Fire Rescue rushed to the fire where heavy smoke was reported in the area.

The fire grew to about two to three acres in size. Copter4 flew over the fire while fire crews worked to extinguish the blaze from the ground.

The fire was burning in a remote area surrounded by grass and brush.

A spokeswoman with South Metro Fire Rescue said what caused the fire is being investigated.

Firefighters were working to get control of the fire. No structures were threatened.

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