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Downtown Parker forms Business Improvement District after special election

Downtown Parker forms Business Improvement District after special election
Downtown Parker forms Business Improvement District after special election 02:13

What do Old South Gaylord, Downtown Boulder, and Cherry Creek North have in common? They and many other metro area downtowns have business improvement districts (BIDs). As of Jan. 1, Downtown Parker is joining the list.  

"They beautify, they improve downtowns," said Downtown Parker BID Vice Chair Omar Castillo.  

While some voters expressed concern about tax increases, 27 out of only 35 special election voters said "yes" in November to create a business improvement district on Parker's Main Street, from Parker Road to the library.  

"We think of what this can do for Downtown Parker. From what we've seen from other communities and their business improvement districts, it's just a game changer," said Castillo. 


Commercial property owners in that district will fund the BID through assessments collected with their property taxes. 

"For an average business owner in Downtown Parker you're looking at 20 to 40 bucks a month," said Castillo. 

That will give the BID about $120,000 to make improvements downtown in 2024. 

Initial plans include consolidating trash and snow removal services, something Castillo says will save individual businesses money, and taking steps to beautify Main Street. 


"A lot of folks want to see the festoon lighting go down further. We've also talked about doing some planters up and down Main Street, some self-watering planters. We've talked about getting some receptacles that all look the same so that people can put their trash in," said Castillo. 

Christmas decorations were previously paid for and put up by individual businesses, but supplying additional and cohesive decorations is another goal of the BID. 

The BID is also looking to create commercials for Downtown Parker and expand events.  

"I think it's really got a unique aesthetic to it. It's got Main Street, really cute buildings and fun local businesses. Very locally-owned which people love," said small business employee Augie Roncaglia. 

Roncaglia grew up coming to Downtown Parker and likes the idea of making improvements. 


"It will be really good for all the local businesses in the area," Roncaglia said. 

The hope is to compete with neighboring downtowns and bring more business to Parker. 

"That's the main goal is to get people to come to Downtown Parker and keep 'em here," said Castillo. 

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