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Zoo Announces Dobby The Giraffe Is Staying In Denver

DENVER (CBS4) - The Denver Zoo has announced that their baby giraffe Dobby will stay in town.

The zoo posted the news to Twitter, with an update on how Dobby is doing.

"I'm getting big," text on a piece of paper held by one of the staff members says. "Six months old and weighing 450lbs, and clearly taller than my keepers at 8 feet!"

That's quite a big change from his birth weight and size of five-feet-tall and 73 pounds.

On the following pieces of paper, the announcement is made that Dobby will remain at the Denver Zoo with his family.

"In other words, come watch me grow as big as my Dad! Dobby stays in Denver!"

There was speculation that he could be transferred to another zoo as part of a breeding program.

RELATED: Your Questions Answered On Dobby The Giraffe

Dobby was born on Feb. 28 and instantly became a sensation, like April in New York, receiving attention from around the globe.

He had a bit of a rocky start, unable to stand and nurse from the start, so needed a little extra TLC from zoo staff.

Since then, Dobby has been doing great, growing big and strong, and even having some fun in the yard.

RELATED: Denver Zoo Welcomes New Amur Tiger

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