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Denver Reduces Speed Limits On More City Streets

DENVER (CBS4)- The City of Denver is trying to get more drivers to ease off the gas pedal and drive slower. Crews were replacing speed limit signs with reduced speeds on some city streets on Tuesday.

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The speed limit has been reduced from 45 mph to 40 mph on a seven-mile stretch of 56th Avenue from Quebec Street to Tower Road.

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Denver Public Works crews replaced the 45 mph speed limit sign with a reduced speed of 40 mph. Part of that stretch is on Denver's "High Injury Network" one of the corridors with the highest number of deadly and injury crashes.

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"What we're trying to do by lowering speeds is slow people down and reduce incidents of crashes and fatal crashes," said Nancy Kuhn with Denver Public Works.

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Denver Public Works is also adding five vehicle mounted signs to show drivers their speed in real time. The signs are on supervisor trucks that park while crews are working to protect workers' safety.

Drivers can expect speed limit reductions in other areas of Denver in the coming weeks. Speed limit signs will be reduced to 30 mph on Cherry Creek Drive South from University Boulevard to Colorado Boulevard. The stretch of Alameda that turns into Steele and 1st around the Cherry Creek Mall will also undergo a speed reduction.

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