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City Councilman Wants To Ban Alcohol In Washington Park

DENVER (CBS4) - A Denver city councilman is behind a controversial plan that's in the works to ban alcohol from Washington Park.

Litter, along with a slew of other complaints, are fueling the flame behind the ban. Right now 3.2 beer is allowed in the park. If enacted, the ban will prohibit any alcohol and begin before summer on a 1-year trial basis.

Out on her usual walk with dog Duke, 25-year Wash Park resident Cheryl Hornbaker weighed in on the proposal to ban alcohol from her neighborhood hotspot.

"I have mixed feelings about it because I play tennis and we like to have wine after our tennis matches," Hornbaker said.

She says making it illegal to drink there is too strict, but also doesn't like others' bad behavior.

"From the volleyballers, mostly, because they drink a lot and they end up trashing the neighborhood and peeing on our lawns," Hornbaker said.

D.J. Stone was at Wash Park with his girlfriend on Sunday tossing a Frisbee.

"Polish horse shoes -- it just involves Frisbee and drinking," Stone said. "I think a lot of people like to come out here and have a couple beers and play some Frisbee or volleyball or whatever. And I don't think it should be a problem."

The problem, according to a booze ban newsletter sent out by Councilman Chris Nevitt, is that previous efforts to curb complaints haven't worked. Nevitt says complaints range from trash in the park and neighborhood to public urination. He says the city has quadrupled resources devoted to enforcing the rules, which has "become very expensive" while "the problems continue to get worse."

"We do live here and it's not … it's not your port-a-potty," Hornbaker said.

Nevitt will host a community meeting to discuss the proposed ban on Wednesday evening.

The ban would still allow for alcohol at permitted events and special venues on site.

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