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CBS4's Dominic Garcia Shares Stories, Photos For Father's Day

DENVER (CBS4) - With Father's Day coming up on Sunday, CBS4 newscasters are thinking of their dads and the special impact they've had on their lives.

Reporter Dominic Garcia shared photos of his dad ...

... and these words:

Dear Dad,

I look at these pictures and I get a huge grin, we've had so much fun over the years! Although, I bet you wish I still showed the same excitement to mow the lawn.

It's your 26th Father's Day and things have sure changed over the years. Gifts started out as a hand print on a card, then came the pinecone artwork, and now an e-card shout out.

It's funny, year after year this son tries to figure out how to say the right thing. How to say thanks for the lessons learned, the advice you gave me over a burger, or the effort it took to get to all my games. There are so many things to be thankful for. I wouldn't have my dream job if it wasn't for you. You're patience with my math scores and your foresight to steer me towards journalism is much appreciated.

Where would I be without your sacrifices? The multiple jobs you worked to get me a great education. Going to the library for a movie instead going out, all to save a few bucks for that trip. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed all those trips, it's been a learning experience that can't be matched by any book or classroom.

I don't think I'll ever be able to find the perfect words to say thanks. Thanks for a great family, my faith, and the best father ever. Tell you what, I owe you one. When you hear the lawn mower this weekend, it's not being stolen ... it's someone saying thanks.


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