CBS4 Obtains Chilling 911 Call From Mindy Sigg Turning In Her Son
WESTMINSTER, Colo. (CBS4) - A mother's courage can be heard in a 911 call as she turned her son in for murder. Not only did Mindy Sigg call for help, she handed the phone to her son Austin who confessed to killing Jessica Ridgeway.
CBS4 Investigator Rick Sallinger requested the tape of the dramatic call after first hearing it in court.
From their home Austin Sigg's mother Mindy called police.
Mindy Sigg: "Hi, um, I need you to come to my house … um, my son wants to turn himself in for the Jessica Ridgeway murder."
The words apparently seemed incredible -- that Austin Sigg was turning himself in, admitting to the murder the 10-year-old girl.
Dispatcher: "And what's going on there. Ma'am, are you there?"
Mindy Sigg: "Did you not hear me? He just confessed to killing her."
Dispatcher: "I know. I want you to tell me what's going on. Can you tell me exactly what he said?"
Mindy Sigg: "That he did it and gave me details and her remains are in my house."
As police were dispatched to the Sigg home the call taker asked if she could speak to Austin and asked how he was feeling.
Austin Sigg: "I don't exactly get why you're asking me these questions. I murdered Jessica Ridgeway."
Dispatcher: "Okay."
Austin Sigg: "There is … I have proof that I did it … there is no other question. You just have to send a squad car, something down here."
Austin Sigg also admitted to attacking a jogger at Ketner Lake. He was then asked if he had weapons.
Austin Sigg: "I have knives in my room, um, and we own a few guns, but … I'm giving myself up completely, there will be no resistance whatsoever."
The dispatcher then is heard once again talking to Mindy Sigg.
Dispatcher: "Is Austin still there with you?"
Mindy Sigg: "Yeah, I'm hugging him (crying)."
Dispatcher: "Okay, you guys are hugging? … Okay, you definitely did the right thing. You tell me when the officers get there, they're coming to your front door, okay?
At one point in the call Mindy Sigg is so distraught she says she can't breathe.
What started for her with that phone call ended Tuesday with her son being sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.