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Bronze Sheep Once Again Stand In Front Of Lakewood Landmark

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) - A pair of bronze sheep are once again standing in front of a Lakewood landmark. They replaced the original statues stolen last summer from the White Fence Farm restaurant.

The two new sheep were installed late Friday afternoon. They are exact replicas, recast by the same sculptor

They were delivered in the bed of a pickup and kept under wraps until Friday. Both are made out of bronze, just like the pair of sheep stolen last summer.

Police later arrested Moises Rodriguez Fernandez on felony theft charges after he showed up at a Denver salvage yard trying to sell bronze parts of the sheep for scrap.

A suspected partner in the brazen heist was never caught.

A third sheep was not targeted by thieves. Now all three animals will be guarded by an electronic shepherd of sorts in the form of a new high security camera system.

"All of our bronze animals are on camera. We have motion sensor infra red cameras that will be running through the night when we're not here to monitor them," Mike Wuestner with White Fence Farm said.

Wuestner said a security service has been hired to make sure anything suspicious draws a quick response.

"It's just really a popular picture spot for the kids to be petting them or standing next to them."

The cost of replacing the sheep was covered by insurance minus a little depreciation.

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