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'Think like you're at Target': Aurora teachers fill school supply inventory thanks to Educator Emporium

'Think like you're at Target': Aurora teachers fill school supply inventory thanks to Educator Empor
'Think like you're at Target': Aurora teachers fill school supply inventory thanks to Educator Empor 01:57

Back-to-school shopping is an expense some families can't afford. As a result, not all students return to learning with the tools necessary for success. 

"We have so many kids that come in not having basic supplies that they need," said teacher Carly Meyer. 

To help those students, teachers often buy supplies with their own money to keep in their classrooms and hand out to those who need it. That can cost them thousands of dollars.


To help fill that need for supplies, the Aurora Public Schools Foundation is holding a back-to-school Educator Emporium. APS teachers can sign up to come in to The District Credit Union and pick out supplies for their classrooms free of charge. 

They will also hold an Educator Emporium once a month throughout the school year. 

 "All the supplies are brand new. So, think like you're at Target, you're shopping down the aisle. That's what teachers get to do," said Jill Ruiter, Executive Director of The Aurora Public Schools Foundation. 

Teachers Kathy Chane and Carly Meyer work at Hinkley High School. They picked out supplies for their classrooms Wednesday. 

They say even though their district also provides them with supplies, this makes helping their students simple because they don't have to go through so much red tape. 

"This makes it easier for us to be able to get give them what they need," said Meyer. 

They also say being supplied and prepared helps their students learn better. 

"It empowers them to be able to like fully participate in their school day," said Meyer. 

It's a service they are happy to provide because helping the youth learn is why they became teachers in the first place. 

"Just to be able to pull out a bag and hand it to them is so nice," said Chane. 

This opportunity is only available for Aurora Public Schools, and teachers need to sign up. There still are slots available for Aug. 4 2022 and then again once a month throughout the year

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