Zeoli Show Log 12.16.14
3:00 Police have confirmed they have found the body of Bradley Stone, who is suspected of killing his ex-wife and five members of her family, in Pennsburg.
3:07 Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams filed corruption charges against two Democratic State Representatives.
3:19 A University of Pennsylvania fraternity has apologized for using a Beyonce sex doll in their Christmas card.
3:23 Jeb Bush has announced he is exploring the possibility of running for President in 2016.
4:04 Comedian Bill Cosby's family has started defending him against numerous rape allegations.
4:07 Cosby gave an interview to the New York Post, saying he expects the black media to remain neutral.
4:08 Cosby's wife compared the allegations against her husband to the Rolling Stone story on rape at the University of Virginia.
4:20 New Jersey is dismantling all of the state's red light cameras.
5:02 The Sony hackers have threatened terrorist attacks against movie theaters that show The Interview.
5:06 Al Sharpton blasted Sony executives for emails revealed in the hack.