Zeoli Show Log 11.16.15

3pm - President Obama speaks on Syrian refugees.

3:45pm - Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discussed the latest bulk of emails released regarding the Hillary Clinton e-mail controversy.

4pm - Hillary Clinton refuses to state America is at war with 'radical Islam'.

4:15pm - Cherry Hill Mall ups the price for Santa pictures.

4:30pm - CBS News Chief Military Correspondent Mike Lyons discussed what America's next actions should be following the Paris terrorist attack.

5pm - Donald Trump discussed what he would do with ISIS.

5:20pm - Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik discussed what precautions should be taken to prevent an attack in the states.

5:30pm - Sylvester Stallone appears on the CBS Morning Show.

5:50pm -  Sen. Pat Toomey believes refugees should not be let into the United States.



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