What is the Working Families Party—and how is it impacting Philadelphia's City Council election?

Will Working Families Party oust Republicans in Philadelphia City Council?

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Just one Republican-controlled seat remains on Philadelphia City Council after two members of the Working Families Party swept the GOP out of the chamber's at-large seats.

With 93% of the votes counted, the Associated Press projects incumbent Kendra Brooks and running mate Nicolas O'Rourke will take the two at-large council seats reserved for a minority party in a city dominated by Democrats.

ELECTION RESULTS: Philadelphia City Council races for Nov. 7, 2023 election

In the past, the Republicans have been that minority party - but not after 2023's votes were tallied.

Brooks and O'Rourke posted photos of their victory party on social media Tuesday night.  

In a news release, Working Families Party National Director Maurice Mitchell said "Philadelphia is officially a two-party town."  

Now, District 10 councilmember Brian O'Neill is council's last remaining Republican. He will again represent the Far Northeast after winning reelection Tuesday.

With 98% of the vote counted, O'Neill led Democratic challenger Gary Masino by over 7,000 votes - AP projects O'Neill as the winner.

How the Working Families Party kicked 2 Republicans out of Philadelphia City Council

There are seven at-large seats on City Council, and two are reserved for minority party or independent candidates. Until 2019, that minority party was the GOP.

Then, Brooks won a seat as a council member.

In that 2019 race, Republican incumbent David Oh was the only member of his party to win an at-large seat on council. Republican Al Taubenberger, who did not make the cut, was under 100 votes ahead of O'Rourke.

This year, Brooks and O'Rourke had endorsements from the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, the Temple faculty union, the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America, the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and several local elected leaders including District Attorney Larry Krasner and Sen. John Fetterman. 

Gov. Josh Shapiro also supported Brooks, calling her "a fierce advocate for Philadelphia's working families."

AP called the race for Brooks but not for O'Rourke on Tuesday night. Tuesday morning, the race was called for O'Rourke, who had about 4,400 more votes than Republicans Jim Hasher and Drew Murray.

What is the Working Families Party?

The WFP advocates for higher wages, health care reforms and guaranteed paid sick and family leave among other reforms.

WFP also supports politicians from other parties. In the Georgia Senate election, Rev. Raphael Warnock had support from the WFP, which says it knocked on close to 100,000 doors in the state on his behalf to defeat Republican Herschel Walker.

According to Politico, the WFP has also helped back New York Gov. Kathy Hochul after her poll numbers showed her with a smaller-than-expected lead against Republican opponent Lee Zeldin.

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