The Dom Giordano Show: State Senator Anthony Williams & Neal Zoren | July 7
9:00-President Trump and President Putin meet for the first time.
9:10-Charles Krauthammer praises President Trump's speech in Poland.
9:20-Protesters yesterday "occupy" GOP Senator's offices on National Day of Protest on health care.
9:25-Senator Toomey didn't expect Donald Trump to win.
9:35-Improving the police career benefits.
10:00-State Senator Anthony Williams joined discussing the upcoming the soda tax hearing and arming teachers in schools.
10:10-Congress banning sleeveless shirts/dresses banned in Congress.
10:45-Neal Zoren with what's on TV.
11:00-Alejandro Bedoya of the Union gets in a twitter battle with Tucker Carlson.
11:35-Game of the week.