Temple Law Professor Shares Unique And Personal Connection With Antonin Scalia

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The death of Republican Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia could leave President Obama to fill the seat, and possibly tilt the court to the left.

Laura Little is a Temple University Law professor, who specializes in Constitutional Law. She met Scalia when she worked as a law clerk for Chief Justice Rehnquist 30 years ago.

"It was a tradition among the law clerks that you would sort of take out the different justices," Little said. "Not all of the justices agreed to go out, but Justice Scalia did, and I had a long meal with him.'

Scalia gave her career advice, and talked about his new position. She says regardless of people's opinion of him, the court is better place because of his tenure.

"I think one of the things he brought to the Supreme Court, was very lively questioning at oral argument and I believe that's important to the sort of deep functioning of the court," she said.

President Obama has already filled two spots on the U.S. Supreme Court, and now, he will most likely fill Justice Antonin Scalia's vacancy. Small says this presidential election will play a key role in the nomination of the next Supreme Court Justice.

"It's going to change the balance of power at least for a while to be an equally divided court, or a court that is more liberal."

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