Taking Your Legal Gun To Work

By Amy E. Feldman

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - If you live in a state where it's legal to carry weapons does your employer have the right to tell you you can't?

Target made headlines last month after putting out a policy of respectfully requesting that its customers not bring weapons into its 1800 stores. But what about its workers?

State gun control laws vary, and many have restrictions on the types of guns a person can own and carry. Forty-eight states, with various restrictions, issue permits to carry concealed weapons. So, if you have, or are planning to get, a permit to carry a concealed weapon, does your employer have the right to tell you you can't carry it? Yep.

Your private employer is not bound to allow you to carry your weapon on its private grounds. Which makes sense. Just because you're still allowed to smoke cigarettes doesn't mean your boss has to let you smoke at your desk.

Wherever you stand on the issue of gun control, you have the right to decide if you want to shop at Target or other stores that don't want you bringing guns.

If your boss has a policy banning you from bringing your weapon to work, that policy prevails and the boss is the one, in this case, who holds the firing power.

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