Stigall Show Log 9.15.14

6:03 Minnesota Vikings star Adrian Peterson did not play this weekend after he was arrested and released for allegedly abusing his son while disciplining him with a tree branch.

6:18 Secretary of State John Kerry said it is a waste of time to argue over terminology in the war against ISIL.

7:00 Chris talks to Michael Bronstein and Jeff Roe on the Monday Morning Matchup about the President taking action against ISIL and Hillary Clinton's trip to Iowa.

7:18 Ed Rendell thinks NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell should resign if he saw the video of Ray Rice beforehand.

7:35 Jonathan Papelbon was ejected from yesterday's Phillies loss after giving up four runs in the top of the 9th.

8:00 Chris talks to CBS 3's Beasley Reece about Jonathan Papelbon's eject yesterday and whether NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell knew about the Ray Rice video before issuing a suspension.

8:49 A gay couple was assaulted in Center City over the weekend by a group of men and women.

8:53 A recent Politico poll says likely voters favor Republicans regarding immigration.

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