Stigall Show Log 3.13.14
6:00 Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius still doesn't know how many people have paid for health care coverage they signed up for through
6:20 Dottie Sandusky was on the Today Show defending her husband Jerry.
6:54 A sex tape exists featuring former Tonight Show Host Johnny Carson.
6:55 Joan Rivers says she was closer to Johnny Carson than previously revealed.
7:00 Chris talks to Ashley McGuire from the Catholic Association about the one year anniversary of the coronation of Pope Francis.
7:19 A girl is reunited with her parents after suing them to pay for her education.
8:00 Chris talks to Jay Paterno about his run for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania.
8:35 Chris talks to Leo Knepper from the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania about efforts to privatize the commonwealth's alcohol sales.