Springer's Ice Cream Serving Generations Of Families Homemade Ice Cream In Stone Harbor

STONE HARBOR, N.J. (CBS) – A family-owned ice cream shop in Stone Harbor is the place to be on a hot summer day. Generations of families have lined-up on summer evenings waiting to choose one of the dozens of delicious flavors at Springer's Ice Cream.

CBS3 is told sometimes the line stretches around the corner of the shop.

Yacht Club of Stone Harbor Celebrating 90 Historic Years This Season

"I scream, we all scream for ice cream," children sang.

If there's one place that's heard that phrase plenty of times, it is Springer's in Stone Harbor.

Countless ice cream lovers have ordered countless scoops and have taken countless licks for more than 90 years.

Watch the video above for the full interview.

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