'It's Like The World Is At Peace': Christmas Eve Tradition Lighting Up One Neighborhood In South Jersey

MONROE TOWNSHIP, N.J. (CBS) -- Christmas Eve is all about traditions, and one in Monroe Township is literally lighting up the neighborhood. Snowberry Drive -- it sounds and looks like the seasonal set to a holiday movie.

It's a real street, though, in Williamstown. And there's a real effort going into what it produces on Christmas Eve.

"It's like the world is at peace. It's just so nice, you'll see," Frank Catrambone said.

It started six years ago with Catrambone putting a few lights on or candles in bags down his driveway. Then neighbors decided maybe it should be extended down the block.

"Now we put out about a mile worth of luminary bags," neighbor Daniel Mitten said.

This year is the biggest lumination yet, complete with 400 luminaries -- give or take.

"Probably more give than take," Catrambone said.

It takes about 90 minutes for the luminations to be put in place.

"From that point, the traffic is non-stop all night," Catrambone said.

Visitors have now made it a tradition to roll throughout the flickering display, but children were quick to catch on that this likely serves as a very important landing strip.

"Now it serves a duel purpose. Not only does it look great, but Santa knows now where he's going," Catrambone said.

It's a one-night-only display.

"Christmas morning, the kids and us -- we go out Christmas morning after we have our coffee and have our presents, we goo out and we pull the bags up," Mitten said.

But if you're one who happens to stop by Snowberry Drive on Christmas Eve, the lumination will do something to you.

"I can't find the right words to express how I feel right now," Andrew Jones Jr. said.

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