SEPTA Officers Remind Riders' Safety Should Always Come First
By Dan Wing
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- SEPTA safety officers were out at the Norristown Transportation Center Wednesday morning reminding commuters of the importance of playing it safe during their travels.
About a dozen safety officers were out handing out pamphlets to commuters as part of the monthly 'Safety Blitz.'
The reminders were things like not crossing train tracks, leaning off a platform to look for a train, or running to catch a bus or train.
Stuff that may seem like common sense, but Officer Jim Bahn says sometimes riders get a little complacent.
"When they ride a train every day or they ride a bus or ride the high speed line every day, you know, after 15 or 20-years it becomes automatic to them, and some times they just don't think."
Bahn says its important for commuters to remember that its better to miss a train or bus and be a little late than to make an unsafe choice and risk death or serious injury.