President Donald Trump Beating Joe Biden By Landslide In Montgomery County Bakery's Cookie Poll
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- President Donald Trump is winning a cookie poll run by a Montgomery County bakery by a landslide. As of Sunday, Lochel's Bakery in Hatboro says Trump was winning the poll with 27,903 cookies sold.
Only 5,114 cookies had been sold in support of Joe Biden.
The bakery's cookie poll has accurately predicted the last three presidential elections.
"We started our election cookie poll," said Lochel's Bakery owner, Kathleen Lochel.
The cookies are iced and decorated with an edible image with the candidate's name and 2020 on it. Each cookie costs $4.49.
For each cookie sold, the staff marks it on a board.
"I went for the obvious one — Trump 2020," said Mike Reyes of Hatboro.
"I've purchased both kinds of cookies, the red ones and the blue ones. All cookies in there are delicious," Diane Hegele said.
"I've seen less Biden cookies so I thought more people were buying Biden," one person said.
This is the third presidential race the bakery has conducted its cookie poll. And the results always turned out to be right on the money.
Still, the bakery tries to be fair.
"We only sell both at the same time. We will not sell just one out there. We don't think it's fair to either candidate if there's just one out there. Plus, we don't want people to think we're endorsing one candidate," Lochel said.
For the latest Election Day coverage visit CBS Philly's 2020 Election Guide.