Plungers Take Dip In Icy Water For Special Olympics Pa.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS)—Those brave enough will take a dip into the icy water for the second annual Philadelphia Polar Plunge, hosted by Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA).

The plunge will take place Friday, outside of Drexel University's Fitness Plaza, located behind the Recreation Center at 3301 Market Street in Philadelphia.

A total of four plunges will be held, with the General Public Plunge taking place between 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

Plungers are asked to raise the $50 minimum pledge to receive an official 2016 long sleeved Polar Plunge t-shirt and are eligible to earn additional prizes as their pledges increase.

And if you're too scared to jump into the water you can register as a "Too Chicken To Plunge" participant, officials say.

For more information CLICK HERE.

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