Phila. Fire Dept. and Red Cross Supplying Free Smoke Alarms To Needy Homes

By Kim Glovas

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The American Red Cross and the Philadelphia Fire Department are partnering in an effort to eliminate fire deaths in the city.

It's called the "No More Fire Deaths" campaign, and will once again involve the installation of free smoke alarms in homes that need them.


Renee Cardwell Hughes, CEO of the Red Cross of Eastern Pennsylvania, says data on fires over the last three years were analyzed to identify those areas where risk was highest.  She says they examined "where the fires occurred, what caused the fire, and when the fires led to fatalities.  So we literally laid that data on a geo-map of the city, and that's how we identified the high-risk neighborhoods."

Hughes says residents will also be educated on how to make their homes fire safe.

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