Olympic Soccer Star, Carli Lloyd Talks South Jersey Roots, Hard Work & Her New Book

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- CBS 3's Jim Donovan sat down with soccer superstar and South Jersey native, Carli Lloyd to talk about her new book, "When Nobody Was Watching: My Hard-Fought Journey to the Top of the Soccer World."

Donovan: You've traveled all over the world but you're ours. We take credit for you. what's it like being a Jersey girl with this much success?

Lloyd: You know this is where my heart is. Home is home. I have traveled the world -- I've been to so many different places but there's something about the Philly-Jersey area... the food, the people, the crazy drivers, I love it all.

Donovan: What was the reason for writing an autobiography at such a young age?

Lloyd: With the world cup and everything that transpired from that I had the opportunity to put my inspiration and journey down on paper and it's been a really long and tough process. It's great for young kids to be able to read this, adults  -- anybody that's really wanting to do something great in life.

Donovan: Soccer has really grown exponentially over the past few years and you're part of the reason why. When you go out and see young girls and boys what's that like? Because you're such a role model.

Lloyd: It's come a long way. You're turning on the television on the weekends, weekdays and you're seeing MLS games, you're seeing EPL games, championship games. The woman's side of the game has come a long way as well. We've added games to World Cups so we're really just seeing a huge shift and change.

Donovan: You're at the top of your sport. Was there any time you thought "Okay I need to just take a break and walk away?" Because this is a really demanding career that you have.

Lloyd: It is. It's not for everybody. It's a really tough and challenging place to make it. When you're at the top it's even harder to stay at the top. When I was cut from the under 21 level I didn't know how to deal with it at that age, the criticism and I thought to myself I'll just finish out my college career at Rutgers and quit. Luckily I didn't. I met a trainer who changed my life, James Galanis. And we're continuing this journey on.

Donovan: Now this book, a lot of people would think it's all about soccer but there are other things about your life and yourself and your journey. What are some other things people might be surprised to learn?

Lloyd: This book is reflection of my career but it's also a reflection of things that I've had to go through, the obstacles and the things I've had to overcome. Obviously the estranged relationship with my family since 2008 which hopefully we can put the pieces back together again. So there's been a lot. This is a book for everybody. This is something you can pick up and be inspired and know that against all odds you can make it if you put your mind to it.

Donovan: What got you through it? Is there a word of advice you would give to an aspiring sports superstar?

Lloyd: James and I have made this amazing, unique team together we respect one another. To have somebody in your corner, to be able to push you, motivate you, make you better and then me put in all the work. It's worked. If you can have somebody, an outlet that believes in you I think that's real key but you've got to work really, really hard.

Donovan: What's next? When we look down into the crystal ball and look down five to 10 years from now where will you be?

Lloyd: I want to play another cycle. So 2019 is World Cup in France, 2020 is Olympics in Tokyo. After that I'll be about 38 so I need to start trying to have a family. I'm getting married this November which is exciting. Who knows what the future will hold. I want to stay involved in the game somehow. Maybe in the mental part of the game or do camps as well.

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