Officials Spread Word On Veteran Transportation Services

COATESVILLE, PA (CBS) -- To mark what they call "Veteran's Week," rather than just one day, Montgomery County officials joined with the Coatesville VA to spread the word about transportation benefits, which they say many veterans are unaware of.

Montgomery County Commissioner Val Arkoosh says they want to make sure veterans are aware of the benefits they've earned through their service.

"We know that a number of our veterans don't have cars and so it's not always very easy to get to a VA to get treatment for their various illnesses or injuries," said Arkoosh.

In addition to the VA's transportation services, Montgomery County has a pair of shuttles, the most recent added a year ago.

Marine Shawn Britt from Royersford, who was in Beirut and served from 1980-1985, says the transportation services, to him, are more than just shuttles to doctors' appointments.

"On bad weeks, it's almost like I'm trapped in my home. And the drivers are not only professional and cordial, but sometimes they're my only social contact throughout a week," Britt said.

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