News, Politics and Entertainment with The Chris Stigall Show | July 29
Chris reviewed Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech from the Democratic National Convention, continuing protests from Bernie Sanders and the changes continuing from at the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He talked with economist Chris Butler on Finance Friday and former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell to review Clinton's speech.
6:00 Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination for President last night in Philadelphia.
6:20 The Philadelphia the delegates don't see.
6:28 More people were having sex while the DNC was in town.
6:35 What's Trending: Katy Perry, Blake Shelton, Bradley Cooper, WWE, Dunkin Donuts
6:49 Bernie Sanders supporters are leaving the Democratic party.
7:00 Chris talks to economist Chris Butler on Finance Friday about Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech from the Democratic National Convention.
7:40 Stephen Colbert introduces his identical twin cousin.
8:18 Chris talks with former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell to review Hillary Clinton acceptance speech from the Democratic National Convention.
8:35 What's Trending: Sean Hannity