New TSA Efforts Result In Longer Wait At Airports

by Suzanne Monaghan

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Wait times at airport security have grown substantially after the TSA announced last week that it plans to add more security officers and dogs to some of the country's busiest airports.

That move, along with a lack of adequate personnel and an increase in travelers, equals security check point delays of up to two hours.

The TSA didn't report any checkpoint delays at Philadelphia International Saturday, but longer than normal lines are to be expected over the coming months.

Therefore, passengers should arrive at least two hours before a domestic flight and three hours before any international travel.

Airport spokesperson Mary Flannery says there are things passengers can do to help move through security smoothly.

"Understand the TSA rules in terms of what you can pack and what you can bring in your carry-on bag. You need to understand how big a carry-on bag you can actually bring," said Flannery.

When asked if Philly International is among the airports considering hiring private screeners to help reduce the wait times:

"Those comments are coming from the airlines so you'd have to talk to them," she said.

It also helps to complete a TSA pre-check weeks ahead of travel. The application is available on the agency website.

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