Net Neutrality -- The New Major Issue Before The FCC
By KYW tech editor Ian Bush
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - That wardrobe malfunction in the Super Bowl a decade ago no longer holds the record for the issue Americans care about the most -- at least when it comes to the Federal Communications Commission.
More people are getting their feelings about net neutrality off their chests than did those who complained about seeing more than they bargained for of Janet Jackson.
The FCC has counted nearly 1.5 million public comments -- many of them opposed to changes that supporters of the status quo say would create a fast lane for sites that pay for the privilege -- Internet to the highest bidder, they argue.
ISPs like Comcast and Verizon say no content would be hidden or even slowed; instead, most sites would reach your screen at the speed you're used to while others would be turbocharged.
Ahead of the Monday deadline, more people are expected to weigh in -- especially after a wide web protest against the proposal.
The FCC could decide by the end of the year.