Philadelphia mother shares family story to help others celebrate transgender loved ones

Philly mother hopes her books help others with transgender kids
Philly mother hopes her books help others with transgender kids

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Sometimes, the beginning of the story is before you turn to the first page. 

"Neither one of us had the language of transgender. I didn't know what that was," nadeen "mothasistah" herring said. "He didn't say I feel like I want to be; he said I am your son and I want to be treated as your son and I want my brothers to see me as their brother."

She remembers when her son, Z, shared with her that he is transgender. 

"This is not temporary. This is not fleeting. This is who your child is," herring said. 

Navigating that truth was not easy, and herring remembers looking for resources to help understand the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity. She realized her family's story could fill a need for others. 

"There were no books that reflected a Black family going through the trials and tribulations we were going through, and so then I finally just said, 'Wait a minute, I write. Let me write our story,'" herring said. 

herring has written two books — "Life...According to Z" and "Life...According to Z: Names" — as a resource. 

Transgender stories have been under attack heading into the general election in November. 

In 2024, there are more than 500 anti-LGBTQ bills across the country with many targeting the transgender community, according to the ACLU

herring hopes her books shine a light on people like her son and their families. 

"It's a really dark time right now, but I have some much joy in just knowing that they are here and they are living so free spirited as I believe every human being is meant to be. I hope that continues," herring said. 

With each turn of the page, she hopes her story is the beginning for others to love and celebrate transgender people. 

"I want them to live the life that they deserve and have created in a peace that is not dependent on other people's approval, opinion, or their needs," herring said.

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