Mullet contest 2023 winner: local kid Rory Ehrlich has best mullet

What kid's national mullet contest winner Rory Ehrlich is going to do with his prize

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Drum roll please! The winner of the National Mullet Championship was just announced.

Rory Ehrlich, 6, of Pottstown, Pennsylvania,  was just named the winner. He gets $5,000 after raising money for Homes for Wounded Warriors.

After multiple rounds of voting, Rory made it to the top 25 and was one of three finalists along with Kamden Cunningham of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, and Ezekiel Arita, also known as "Mr. Aloha Mullet," of Kaneohe, Hawaii.

Rory was live on CBS News Philadelphia just a few hours after learning he was the mullet champ and shared what he plans to do with his winnings.

"Buy my sister an alpaca," he said, wearing a Jalen Hurts Eagles Kelly Green jersey .

And Rory wants to go to wing night, too.

Mom Airen Ehrlich said Rory wrecked the kitchen running around after getting the news.  

"My chair fell down," Rory said.

Rory got over 16,000 votes in the contest, his mom says.  

"We really relied on the community and the city, Philadelphia, they came in so clutch with this," she said.

Earlier this month, Rory also visited our studios and showed off his "Cheddar Wiz" mullet as he campaigned for votes.

We asked him then: why does he have a mullet?

"Because it looks cool," he said.

Can't argue with that. 

He said he has no plans to lose the mullet after winning.

Congrats to Rory!

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