Midwest Flooding Behind Skyrocketing Gas Prices, Experts Say
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – You cannot help but notice that gas prices are skyrocketing all across the region. The pain may hurt a little more too as $4 per gallon could soon become reality.
Experts say that recent flooding in the Midwest is contributing to the rise in gas prices.
The historic floods have affected key ethanol production hubs, leading to shortages of the biofuel.
The national average is $2.74 per gallon, according to AAA.
That's nearly 30 cents more than one month ago.
Gas prices in California could top $4 a gallon for the first time in five years.
"It certainly is fairly exceptional to see an increase of this magnitude and so quickly. Really the only way motorists can fight back right now is to shop around and be aware of various gas prices in their area," GasBuddy.com's Patrick DeHaan said.
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Gas Buddy says you should fill up on Monday mornings because gas stations aren't as busy.
They say never fill up on Friday afternoons. That's when you see the highest prices.