Michelle Malkin: DeVos Support For Common Core Is Concerning

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Conservative columnist and pundit Michelle Malkin said she has real reservations about Donald Trump's nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education, citing her support of Common Core during an interview with Chris Stigall on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.

"The problem with Betsy DeVos is that when she was in Michigan, she was a funder of the Common Core efforts there and, essentially, snubbed the moms and dads who were raising the alarm very early on in 2009, who understood that, from day one, that this was a federal boondoggle."


She stated too many politicians on both sides have dismissed the concerns that have been voiced about the program.

"You've got to judge people by their actions and one of the mistakes that all of these Common Core people made, whether they're on the left, Bill Gates and some of the Democrats, obviously Obama and former Educations Secretary Arne Duncan under the Obama Administration, or whether you're on the right, like Jeb Bush or Mike Huckabee, who was a big shill for Common Core, disappointingly, someone like Bill Bennett too, who, basically, admitted that he was paid to ply the Common Core line, the mistake that these people make is the condescending way in which they treat parents. They think we're stupid."

Malkin does home that Trump will follow through with statements he made on the campaign to reform education policy.

"He promised the he would repeal the Obama era changes that have undermined student and family privacy. I think it's really important that we have a President-elect who is doing more than just parroting talking points."

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