Hollydell Ice Arena in New Jersey brings chills during sweltering temperatures: "365 days a year here"

The chilly heart in the heat at Hollydell Ice Arena in New Jersey

SEWELL, N.J. (CBS) — Despite sweltering temperatures  in the Philadelphia region, over in Sewell, New Jersey, conditions are cold.

"Snow and ice," Darren Jones said, "365 days a year here."

Specifically, there's snow and ice at Hollydell Ice Arena, where Jones works as the operations and plant manager.

"We got a really nice system back there that runs all day long," Jones said. "It's keeping the temperature on the slab here probably about 14 degrees."

Jones oversees everything, from the cooling system to the Zamboni.

"To make it short and simple, [the Zamboni], it's like a giant electric razor that applies aftershave," Jones explained.

Jones has been working at the rink for over a decade and loves working in the cold.

"I dislike the heat, so it's perfect for me to stay here at all times," Jones said. "There's nothing like cutting a nice sheet of ice, getting the kids out there and letting them enjoy their thing."

However, he eventually has to go outside once his day is wrapped up.

"My glasses are going to fog up immediately, and my truck that's black is going to be very hot," Jones said. "It's not what I'm looking forward to."

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