Google Wants To Take The Headache Out Of Using Your Phone Abroad, Reports Say

By Ian Bush

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) --- International roaming fees are one of the most feared charges for smartphone-toting travelers, but it appears that Google is looking to change that.

Talk, text, use apps, and browse the web as freely as if you were doing so in this country, without fear of racking up huge bills for going over the limit.

That's Google's plan, according to a report in The Telegraph, as it negotiates a deal with the company that owns the mobile network Three in the United Kingdom, and others across the globe.

The report says Google wants to offer service that would cost the same no matter where you go, with no extra charges for voice or data use while abroad.

Neither company would comment, but just last month Google announced a plan to offer wireless phone service directly to consumers, undercutting the major carriers or pressuring them to offer better deals.

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