Former 'QVC Queen' Lisa Robertson Opens Up About What She's Learned On Her New Journey

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- "I think one of the things I needed to learn was who I was without that job because for 20 years, that's all I thought about all the time," Lisa Robertson said of her career at QVC and her decision to move on.

Nearly two years after her departure, YouTube clips still celebrate the superstar host. Her beauty and her friendly, familiar presence earned her millions of fans, but she also became a target for a number of stalkers. In some cases, law enforcement had to step in.

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"There were a number of instances that were extremely intense over the years that were very frightening, where people were even trying to draw my family in and contact my family and that's just not cool," Robertson said.

She said that she ultimately decided to leave QVC because she had more to do with the 20 hour days she regularly worked.

"I just thought, well, if I'm looking at it, going, I love it but, how long can I do it...then it's time to go hmmm, alright well I've done it and I loved it and it was great and now there's really nothing left to do here that I haven't done, so it's time to go try something else," she explained.

Her something else could be found in her basement where she's set up shop with a handful of employees. She launced where she shares recipes, advice and sells pieces from her own jewelry line and other items she discovers in her travels.

Robertson also stays in constant contact with her fans via live chats on Facebook. She'll even take them along on her travels around the world.

She said she's never been a risk taker, but turns out her risk of trying a new career path came with a reward.

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"This has really been a challenge and I've learned I'm stronger than I thought I was. That's a good thing to know. At some point in your life, you should learn that."

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